Protect Fairfield Neighborhoods from Over-Development


Tuesday, March 11, 2025 @ 6:30 PM

Fairfield Regional Fire School -  205 Richard White Way

Safe & Sustainable Fairfield Development is a grassroots coalition of concerned residents dedicated to preserving the character, safety, and livability of our town. Our mission is to advocate for responsible growth, protect our zoning laws, and ensure that all developments align with Fairfield’s long-term interests—not just those of developers.

We work to:
Educate the community on development proposals that threaten our town’s infrastructure and character.
Engage with town officials and zoning boards to demand responsible planning.
Mobilize residents to take action through petitions, public hearings, and awareness campaigns.

Fairfield is a town worth fighting for. Join us in protecting its future.

It’s About the Kids

For the second time in three years, residents of the neighborhood bound by Sasco Hill Road, Post Road, South Pine Creek Road, and Southfield Road/Tide Mill Terrace have come together to fight a proposed development that threatens to upend zoning practices and diminish the quality of life in Fairfield.

We are now rallying once again to oppose Sunshine Acquisition Group’s request for the Town of Fairfield to amend zoning regulations to permit a 40-unit mixed-use commercial/residential building at 2179 & 2199 Post Road and 29 Fairfield Place.

To lead this fight, we have formed an informal neighborhood association, Safe & Sustainable Fairfield Development Group, which has been at the forefront of efforts to protect our town from harmful overdevelopment. This dedicated group of residents continues to work tirelessly to ensure Fairfield’s future remains one of thoughtful and responsible growth.

Why We Oppose This Development

This project does not comply with current zoning regulations designed to protect Fairfield’s neighborhoods. If approved, it will create significant safety, traffic, and environmental risks, including:

Insufficient Parking & Overflow Into Residential Streets

  • The development lacks the required number of parking spaces, forcing residents and visitors to park on our already overcrowded, narrow streets—many of which lack sidewalks for safe pedestrian access.

Increased Traffic & Safety Hazards

  • 150+ additional cars per day will worsen congestion on Post Road and encourage dangerous cut-through traffic in residential areas.

  • Left turns onto Post Road from Fairfield Place and Lindbergh Street will become even more difficult and hazardous.

️ Stormwater & Environmental Risks

  • The site is not designed to properly manage stormwater runoff, increasing the risk of flooding, erosion, infrastructure damage, and pollution in local waterways, including Southport Harbor.

A Dangerous Precedent for Future Overdevelopment

  • If zoning laws are changed for this project, it could open the floodgates for other oversized developments across Fairfield, further eroding the character and safety of our town.

What You Can Do

We need your help to stand up for responsible growth and protect our neighborhood. Your support will help fund legal representation, expert analysis, and public outreach to ensure that Fairfield’s zoning laws protect its residents—not developers looking for a loophole.

Community Meeting: Residents Speak Out

On January 28, 2025, a TPZ meeting was held where neighbors spoke for two hours, voicing their strong opposition to the proposed development. Residents passionately detailed concerns about parking overflow, traffic congestion, pedestrian safety, and the overall impact on neighborhood livability. The overwhelming message was clear: this project does not align with the existing character and needs of our community. The meeting highlighted the unity of our neighborhood in protecting our streets, homes, and families.

Meet the Team Proposing this Monstrosity

  • Marc Andre

    A Fairfield Architect Prioritizing Profit Over Child Safety

  • Alexander Leykikh

    Finance Partner Prioritizing Profit Over Child Safety

How Can You Help?

A core group of neighbors is volunteering their time and expertise to fight the zoning change. A wider group has contributed to a central fund to cover fees for an attorney to navigate the legal requirements for objecting to the change and an expert to analyze the specific impact the complex will have on traffic, parking, and quality of life in the neighborhood around the proposed complex.

We would appreciate your help:

  • Learn about the proposed development and read letters written by neighbors opposing the development here.

  • Listen to powerful testimony about the environmental and parking impact here (starting at 1:58 time stamp)

  • Attend upcoming TPZ public meetings on the proposal: Tuesday, 03/11/25 at 6:30pm, located at 205 Richard White Way, Fairfield, CT 06824

  • Donate via our GoFundMe page to help with fees for our attorney and traffic expert.